Parents |
public library Weight: 0.68 ,
kindergartenWeight: 0.65 ,
studentWeight: 0.64 ,
real estateWeight: 0.63 ,
college studentWeight: 0.61
Siblings |
teacher Weight: 0.66 ,
good studentWeight: 0.47 ,
landerWeight: 0.45 ,
elementary schoolWeight: 0.39 ,
high schoolWeight: 0.39
Property | Similarity |
be bad for kids | 1.00 |
be good for kids | 0.98 |
be important to kids | 0.93 |
be bad for children | 0.93 |
be important to kids around world | 0.88 |
be too light nowadays on kids | 0.86 |
be good for us | 0.81 |
be be good | 0.79 |
have good | 0.79 |
be really | 0.79 |
Cues |
Evidence |