Parents |
artwork Weight: 0.63 ,
artWeight: 0.60 ,
mediumWeight: 0.59 ,
itemWeight: 0.58 ,
accessoryWeight: 0.58
Siblings |
painting Weight: 0.35 ,
collageWeight: 0.35 ,
oil paintingWeight: 0.34 ,
calligraphyWeight: 0.34 ,
watercolorWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
is art | 1.00 |
be considered art | 0.93 |
were egyptians arts | 0.78 |
were ancient egyptians arts | 0.78 |
make sculpture | 0.77 |
were major ancient egyptians arts | 0.77 |
were major egyptians arts | 0.76 |
be better than painting | 0.76 |
make sculpture clay | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |