Parents |
drink Weight: 0.31
Siblings |
smoothie Weight: 0.28 ,
carbonated beverageWeight: 0.28 ,
chocolate milkWeight: 0.28 ,
sodaWeight: 0.28 ,
apple juiceWeight: 0.27
Property | Similarity |
be worse than fruit | 1.00 |
be worse than whole fruit | 0.96 |
be less healthy than fruit | 0.90 |
be as good as fruit | 0.87 |
be better than water | 0.80 |
be better than white milk | 0.80 |
react with grape juice | 0.79 |
be cheaper than milk | 0.79 |
be better than regular milk | 0.78 |
be much thicker than milk | 0.78 |
Cues |
Evidence |