Parents |
ammonium hydroxide Weight: 0.83 ,
calcium hydroxideWeight: 0.80 ,
potassium hydroxideWeight: 0.78 ,
sodium carbonateWeight: 0.74 ,
substanceWeight: 0.72
Siblings |
potassium carbonate Weight: 0.73 ,
sodium chlorideWeight: 0.42 ,
calcium oxideWeight: 0.41 ,
sodium bicarbonateWeight: 0.41 ,
sodium sulfateWeight: 0.41
Property | Similarity |
be called lye | 1.00 |
be in bleach | 0.78 |
dissolved in hydrochloric acid | 0.78 |
be called quicklime | 0.77 |
change color of hydrochloric acid | 0.76 |
is acid | 0.76 |
be acid | 0.76 |
be used in bath salts | 0.76 |
react with hydrochloric acid | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |