Parents |
thing Weight: 0.59 ,
eventWeight: 0.59 ,
eclipseWeight: 0.55 ,
moonWeight: 0.52
Siblings |
new moon Weight: 0.57 ,
solar windWeight: 0.35 ,
auroraWeight: 0.32 ,
sunWeight: 0.32 ,
windmillWeight: 0.32
Property | Similarity |
be different from lunar eclipses | 1.00 |
be same as lunar eclipses | 0.99 |
be different from lunar eclipse | 0.95 |
be different than lunar eclipse | 0.95 |
be similar to lunar eclipse | 0.94 |
is visible from part lunar eclipse | 0.91 |
is visible lunar eclipse | 0.91 |
is visible then lunar eclipse | 0.91 |
is visible from part then lunar eclipse | 0.91 |
is visible from part of earth lunar eclipse | 0.91 |
Cues |
Evidence |