Parents |
property Weight: 0.60 ,
quantityWeight: 0.58 ,
factorWeight: 0.53 ,
energyWeight: 0.47
Siblings |
temperature Weight: 0.34 ,
humidityWeight: 0.32 ,
hot weatherWeight: 0.32 ,
electrical resistanceWeight: 0.32 ,
moistureWeight: 0.32
Property | Similarity |
be for water high | 1.00 |
be in water high | 0.99 |
be for water | 0.90 |
be in water | 0.88 |
is high | 0.87 |
be different for water | 0.85 |
be lower than water | 0.84 |
be different from water | 0.82 |
be less than water | 0.78 |
be higher than ice | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |