Parents |
quality Weight: 0.70 ,
abilityWeight: 0.64 ,
attributeWeight: 0.61 ,
characteristicWeight: 0.61
Siblings |
accuracy Weight: 0.34 ,
trotWeight: 0.34 ,
tensile strengthWeight: 0.33 ,
frequencyWeight: 0.33 ,
patienceWeight: 0.33
Property | Similarity |
be related | 1.00 |
is related | 0.99 |
be related to time | 0.93 |
be related to time travel | 0.82 |
be related for wave | 0.81 |
be realted | 0.78 |
is linked | 0.78 |
be related to length | 0.77 |
be related to distance | 0.77 |
be related distance | 0.77 |
Cues |
Evidence |