Parents |
season Weight: 0.65 ,
partWeight: 0.61 ,
timeWeight: 0.59 ,
vegetationWeight: 0.59
Siblings |
summer Weight: 0.37 ,
winterWeight: 0.36 ,
autumnWeight: 0.36 ,
summer dayWeight: 0.36 ,
weekWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
is national park important | 1.00 |
is national park | 0.98 |
be national park | 0.97 |
is park important | 0.92 |
be national park formed | 0.91 |
is park | 0.88 |
be park | 0.87 |
is national | 0.84 |
be park formed | 0.82 |
Cues |
Evidence |