Parents |
thing Weight: 0.59 ,
problemWeight: 0.54 ,
evidenceWeight: 0.51 ,
residueWeight: 0.49
Siblings |
nail polish Weight: 0.69 ,
wash clothWeight: 0.34 ,
hair colorWeight: 0.33 ,
stainingWeight: 0.32 ,
dark matterWeight: 0.32
Property | Similarity |
be on skin from plant | 1.00 |
be on skin from plant removed | 0.94 |
be on skin from outdoor plant | 0.90 |
be on skin from outdoor plant removed | 0.88 |
be on skin | 0.86 |
be necessary for plant cells | 0.83 |
be on skin removed | 0.81 |
Cues |
Evidence |