Parents |
evening Weight: 0.61 ,
bandWeight: 0.60 ,
saturdayWeight: 0.60 ,
storyWeight: 0.58
Siblings |
boxing day Weight: 0.59 ,
wednesdayWeight: 0.36 ,
fridayWeight: 0.36 ,
thursdayWeight: 0.35 ,
black fridayWeight: 0.35
Property | Similarity |
is holy day | 1.00 |
is holy | 0.97 |
be holy day of obligation | 0.82 |
is sabbath day | 0.81 |
is god 's day | 0.78 |
be day of worship | 0.78 |
is sabbath | 0.77 |
be called sabbath | 0.77 |
be observed as sabbath | 0.75 |
is church day | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |