Parents |
thing Weight: 0.58 ,
sightWeight: 0.58 ,
skyWeight: 0.56 ,
imageWeight: 0.56 ,
islandWeight: 0.55
Siblings |
sunrise Weight: 0.34 ,
long islandWeight: 0.32 ,
dawnWeight: 0.32 ,
moonlightWeight: 0.32 ,
lighthouseWeight: 0.32
Property | Similarity |
have colors | 1.00 |
is colors | 0.98 |
have different colors | 0.96 |
is different colors | 0.95 |
change colors | 0.93 |
be various colors such as pink purple | 0.86 |
be various colors such as pink | 0.85 |
has color blue | 0.85 |
has color pink | 0.83 |
has color orange | 0.83 |
Cues |
Evidence |