Parents |
animal Weight: 0.70 ,
creatureWeight: 0.67 ,
petWeight: 0.65 ,
reptileWeight: 0.58 ,
wild animalWeight: 0.57
Siblings |
desert tortoise Weight: 0.73 ,
lizardWeight: 0.38 ,
cheetahWeight: 0.38 ,
turtleWeight: 0.37 ,
rabbitWeight: 0.37
Property | Similarity |
be find in america | 1.00 |
be at south america | 0.91 |
be at north america | 0.90 |
be at africa | 0.81 |
be at usa | 0.81 |
be at georgia | 0.80 |
be at mexico | 0.80 |
be at new mexico | 0.80 |
be at west texas | 0.80 |
be at utah | 0.80 |
Cues |
Evidence |