Parents |
manufacturer Weight: 0.64 ,
brandWeight: 0.64 ,
carWeight: 0.61 ,
vehicleWeight: 0.60
Siblings |
mercedes benz Weight: 0.65 ,
corollaWeight: 0.54 ,
ferrariWeight: 0.36 ,
hyundaiWeight: 0.36 ,
subaruWeight: 0.36
Property | Similarity |
be more expensive than honda | 1.00 |
be better than honda | 0.96 |
be more expensive than nissan | 0.90 |
be better than nissan | 0.85 |
be called toyota | 0.79 |
make lexus | 0.79 |
use bmw engines | 0.78 |
is camry muffler too low | 0.76 |
make 2wd 4runner | 0.76 |
is camry muffler low | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |