Parents |
christmas tree Weight: 0.81 ,
berryWeight: 0.63 ,
vegetationWeight: 0.62 ,
creatureWeight: 0.60
Siblings |
cherry tree Weight: 0.86 ,
apple treeWeight: 0.80 ,
maple treeWeight: 0.77 ,
oak treeWeight: 0.77 ,
ficusWeight: 0.72
Property | Similarity |
be used to shade | 1.00 |
shade traveller | 0.99 |
shade house | 0.95 |
shade car | 0.93 |
shade sun | 0.93 |
shade from sun | 0.93 |
be used to provide shade | 0.92 |
be used to give you shade | 0.92 |
shade child | 0.92 |
shade person from sun | 0.92 |
Cues |
Evidence |