Parents |
flower Weight: 0.70 ,
bulbWeight: 0.69 ,
plantWeight: 0.64 ,
thingWeight: 0.51 ,
orangeWeight: 0.50
Siblings |
daffodil Weight: 0.49 ,
peonyWeight: 0.38 ,
lilyWeight: 0.36 ,
orchidWeight: 0.36 ,
light bulbWeight: 0.36
Property | Similarity |
be grow from bulb | 1.00 |
grow from bulb | 1.00 |
grow in garden | 0.81 |
grow on tree too | 0.80 |
grow in shrub | 0.80 |
be grow in pot | 0.79 |
be grow in container | 0.79 |
be alive and grow and some flower | 0.78 |
grow with water and fertilier | 0.78 |
be grow indorrs | 0.78 |
Cues |
Evidence |