Parents |
place Weight: 0.63 ,
locationWeight: 0.59 ,
portWeight: 0.58 ,
cityWeight: 0.57 ,
timeWeight: 0.53
Siblings |
brooklyn Weight: 0.35 ,
kingstonWeight: 0.35 ,
bahrainWeight: 0.35 ,
lancasterWeight: 0.35 ,
montrealWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
be important to italy | 1.00 |
is italy | 0.98 |
break away from italy | 0.86 |
italy have water streets | 0.83 |
be connected to mainland of italy | 0.83 |
be connected to mainland italy | 0.83 |
italy have canals | 0.83 |
was different from other italian city-states | 0.81 |
Cues |
Evidence |