Parents |
chamber Weight: 0.51 ,
deviceWeight: 0.43 ,
structureWeight: 0.42 ,
cavityWeight: 0.41
Siblings |
diaphragm Weight: 0.30 ,
catheterWeight: 0.30 ,
implantWeight: 0.30 ,
artificial heartWeight: 0.30 ,
mucous membraneWeight: 0.30
Property | Similarity |
have more muscular than atria walls walls | 1.00 |
have thicker than atria walls walls | 0.97 |
be more muscular than atria | 0.95 |
be bigger than atria | 0.91 |
be larger than atria | 0.91 |
be stronger than atria | 0.91 |
be thicker than atria | 0.91 |
have muscular walls | 0.88 |
have thick muscular walls | 0.85 |
have walls | 0.85 |
Cues |
Evidence |