volcano: form at convergent boundaries

from Quasimodo
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Plausible Typical Remarkable Salient

Related concepts

Parents shield volcano
Weight: 0.72
, hazard
Weight: 0.61
, topic
Weight: 0.58
, source
Weight: 0.56
Siblings mauna loa
Weight: 0.66
, stratovolcano
Weight: 0.53
, fuego
Weight: 0.40
, chimborazo
Weight: 0.35
, sakurajima
Weight: 0.35

Related properties

Property Similarity
form at convergent boundaries 1.00
form in convergent boundaries 1.00
be formed at convergent boundaries 0.97
be found at convergent boundaries 0.97
form on convergent boundary 0.95
form at convergent plate boundaries 0.95
is convergent boundary 0.94
is convergent plate boundaries 0.94
be formed by convergent plate boundaries 0.94
be common at convergent plate boundaries 0.93

Priors about this statement


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Joint Necessity Sufficiency Implication Entailment Contradiction Entropy


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Plausible Typical Remarkable Salient


Salient implies Plausible

Rule weight: 0.28
Evidence weight: 0.96
Similarity weight: 1.00
Evidence: 0.46
Plausible(volcano, form at convergent boundaries)
Evidence: 0.07
¬ Salient(volcano, form at convergent boundaries)

Typical and Remarkable implies Salient

Rule weight: 0.14
Evidence weight: 0.98
Similarity weight: 1.00
Evidence: 0.07
Salient(volcano, form at convergent boundaries)
Evidence: 0.43
¬ Typical(volcano, form at convergent boundaries)
Evidence: 0.05
¬ Remarkable(volcano, form at convergent boundaries)

Typical implies Plausible

Rule weight: 0.48
Evidence weight: 0.77
Similarity weight: 1.00
Evidence: 0.46
Plausible(volcano, form at convergent boundaries)
Evidence: 0.43
¬ Typical(volcano, form at convergent boundaries)