Parents |
tournament Weight: 0.66 ,
eventWeight: 0.61 ,
grand slamWeight: 0.60 ,
playerWeight: 0.56
Siblings |
olympic games Weight: 0.34 ,
matchWeight: 0.34 ,
dvd playerWeight: 0.34 ,
boxing matchWeight: 0.33 ,
mardi grasWeight: 0.33
Property | Similarity |
is most prestigious grand slam | 1.00 |
is prestigious grand slam | 0.99 |
is best grand slam | 0.92 |
is grand slam | 0.91 |
be called grand slam | 0.90 |
is most prestigious | 0.87 |
is prestigious | 0.85 |
is best slam | 0.84 |
is slam | 0.82 |
be called slam | 0.81 |
Cues |
Evidence |