Parents |
raw material Weight: 0.67 ,
fenceWeight: 0.60 ,
commodityWeight: 0.59 ,
resourceWeight: 0.59 ,
lumberWeight: 0.59
Siblings |
cedar Weight: 0.63 ,
wood pulpWeight: 0.40 ,
timberWeight: 0.36 ,
aluminumWeight: 0.35 ,
steelWeight: 0.35
Property | Similarity |
be used to make thing | 1.00 |
be make into many thing | 0.89 |
be used to build thing | 0.89 |
requires do it | 0.83 |
requires realize how silly it look | 0.81 |
be used to make money with steal good | 0.78 |
be used to make car | 0.77 |
be used to make many useful object | 0.77 |
be motivated by you like challenge sport | 0.76 |
causes problem run our | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |