Property | Similarity |
be illegal in school | 1.00 |
be in school | 0.86 |
be banned in schools | 0.83 |
be banned in public schools | 0.82 |
be unconstitutional in school | 0.82 |
be in schools violation | 0.80 |
be in schools | 0.79 |
be found at school | 0.78 |
be in schools violation of first amendment | 0.77 |
be in schools violation of amendment | 0.76 |
Click on a property for more details on the statement. Click on a column header to use it as a sorting key.
Subject | Score | Plausible | Typical | Remarkable | Salient | Source |
prayer | 0.66 0.6592867943 |
0.12 0.1224028713 |
0.43 0.4347607710 |
0.10 0.1021763688 |
0.12 0.1158036978 |
Quasimodo |