Property | Similarity |
be long 60 minutes | 1.00 |
have 60 minutes | 0.96 |
is 60 minutes | 0.96 |
be divided into 60 minutes | 0.85 |
is longer then hour | 0.85 |
is then hour | 0.84 |
is longer hour | 0.83 |
is hour | 0.82 |
be called hour | 0.81 |
be called happy hour | 0.80 |
Click on a property for more details on the statement. Click on a column header to use it as a sorting key.
Subject | Score | Plausible | Typical | Remarkable | Salient | Source |
hour | 0.82 0.8238488555 |
0.37 0.3655355841 |
0.62 0.6203097965 |
0.20 0.1965506270 |
0.25 0.2496228533 |
Quasimodo |