Property | Similarity |
be motivated by house be dirty | 1.00 |
be motivated by it be dirty | 0.95 |
be motivated by you be dirty | 0.93 |
be motivated by something be dirty | 0.93 |
be motivated by clean house | 0.89 |
be motivated by have clean house | 0.89 |
requires get dirty | 0.88 |
requires get it dirty | 0.88 |
be motivated by live in clean house | 0.86 |
requires get it dirty first | 0.85 |
Click on a property for more details on the statement. Click on a column header to use it as a sorting key.
Subject | Score | Plausible | Typical | Remarkable | Salient | Source |
clean house | 0.46 0.4581569100 |
0.68 0.6830484561 |
0.26 0.2566749599 |
0.94 0.9398203496 |
0.11 0.1110536689 |
ConceptNet |
do housework | 0.67 0.6711877415 |
0.98 0.9783245555 |
0.04 0.0376318029 |
0.88 0.8828879770 |
0.58 0.5759152154 |
ConceptNet |