Property | Similarity |
come as as winmaildat | 1.00 |
come as winmaildat | 0.98 |
come in as winmaildat | 0.98 |
show up as winmaildat | 0.76 |
appear as winmaildat | 0.75 |
Click on a property for more details on the statement. Click on a column header to use it as a sorting key.
Subject | Score | Plausible | Typical | Remarkable | Salient | Source |
attachment | 0.62 0.6174784857 |
0.52 0.5197885834 |
0.56 0.5646225673 |
0.58 0.5822251298 |
0.57 0.5732236569 |
Quasimodo |
0.62 0.6199780168 |
0.45 0.4470171450 |
0.49 0.4892540003 |
0.55 0.5499049090 |
0.46 0.4635990877 |
Quasimodo |