Property | Similarity |
is exactly hours | 1.00 |
is exactly hours apart | 0.91 |
is hours | 0.88 |
go up in hours | 0.84 |
is perfect hours | 0.84 |
change by hours | 0.84 |
is hours apart | 0.81 |
is perfect hours apart | 0.81 |
differ in hours | 0.79 |
be on hour | 0.78 |
Click on a property for more details on the statement. Click on a column header to use it as a sorting key.
Subject | Score | Plausible | Typical | Remarkable | Salient | Source |
time zone | 0.47 0.4658030401 |
0.48 0.4792247580 |
0.45 0.4467114953 |
0.72 0.7196924199 |
0.59 0.5900612014 |
Quasimodo |