Property | Similarity |
is good university | 1.00 |
is university | 0.96 |
have different colleges | 0.79 |
have colleges | 0.78 |
have many colleges | 0.78 |
have female colleges | 0.77 |
Click on a property for more details on the statement. Click on a column header to use it as a sorting key.
Subject | Score | Plausible | Typical | Remarkable | Salient | Source |
cambridge | 0.62 0.6187008856 |
0.75 0.7531780418 |
0.73 0.7344476141 |
0.75 0.7457352037 |
0.88 0.8802317933 |
Quasimodo |
mit | 0.62 0.6192737899 |
0.77 0.7742553587 |
0.87 0.8720114252 |
0.43 0.4297095077 |
0.76 0.7649625356 |
Quasimodo |
oxford | 0.62 0.6203317329 |
0.87 0.8667689074 |
0.90 0.8974643587 |
0.64 0.6417481733 |
0.94 0.9355186393 |
Quasimodo |
waterloo | 0.56 0.5609556590 |
0.87 0.8716360659 |
0.94 0.9366179057 |
0.48 0.4767741982 |
0.89 0.8942898918 |
Quasimodo |
western | 0.48 0.4828815369 |
0.82 0.8157128966 |
0.84 0.8432642672 |
0.65 0.6478558048 |
0.89 0.8905899218 |
Quasimodo |