Parents |
celebrity Weight: 0.66 ,
performerWeight: 0.64 ,
artistWeight: 0.63 ,
famous personWeight: 0.62
Siblings |
politician Weight: 0.66 ,
film makerWeight: 0.64 ,
villainWeight: 0.61 ,
prosecutorWeight: 0.57 ,
ethel watersWeight: 0.56
Property | Similarity |
be in movies | 1.00 |
get in movies | 0.98 |
make movies | 0.96 |
do movies | 0.96 |
be in bad movies | 0.95 |
look in movies | 0.94 |
move in movies | 0.94 |
be in films | 0.93 |
produce movies | 0.93 |
eat in movies | 0.93 |
Cues |
Evidence |