Parents |
structure Weight: 0.65 ,
landmarkWeight: 0.64 ,
historical siteWeight: 0.64 ,
architectureWeight: 0.61
Siblings |
buckingham palace Weight: 0.36 ,
westminster abbeyWeight: 0.36 ,
palaceWeight: 0.36 ,
fortressWeight: 0.35 ,
lighthouseWeight: 0.35
Property | Similarity |
were built on hilltops | 1.00 |
were built on hills | 0.85 |
be built on hills | 0.83 |
were built near cliffs | 0.83 |
get built on hills | 0.82 |
were built on hillside | 0.82 |
be on hills | 0.80 |
were built near rivers | 0.79 |
were built on bends of rivers on cliffs | 0.79 |
be built on hill | 0.78 |
Cues |
Evidence |