Parents |
mammal Weight: 0.75 ,
animalWeight: 0.72 ,
wild animalWeight: 0.67 ,
carnivoreWeight: 0.67 ,
predatorWeight: 0.65
Siblings |
cougar Weight: 0.40 ,
raccoonWeight: 0.39 ,
foxWeight: 0.39 ,
mooseWeight: 0.39 ,
wolfWeight: 0.39
Property | Similarity |
stay in desert | 1.00 |
live in desert | 0.92 |
help desert | 0.91 |
survive in desert | 0.91 |
be important to desert | 0.90 |
adapt to desert | 0.86 |
stay away from donkeys | 0.76 |
live on plains | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |