Parents |
animal Weight: 0.66 ,
organismWeight: 0.53 ,
invertebrateWeight: 0.51 ,
speciesWeight: 0.47 ,
fishWeight: 0.47
Siblings |
starfish Weight: 0.68 ,
sea cucumberWeight: 0.64 ,
sea otterWeight: 0.36 ,
cassowaryWeight: 0.35 ,
molluskWeight: 0.35
Property | Similarity |
be useful to humans | 1.00 |
be important to humans | 0.92 |
help humans | 0.88 |
affect humans | 0.86 |
be more closely related to humans | 0.77 |
be closely related to humans | 0.77 |
be simpler than arthropods | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |