Parents |
general election Weight: 0.84 ,
ballotWeight: 0.69 ,
eventWeight: 0.62 ,
processWeight: 0.61
Siblings |
primary Weight: 0.63 ,
delegateWeight: 0.54 ,
midtermWeight: 0.48 ,
voteWeight: 0.34 ,
national conventionWeight: 0.33
Property | Similarity |
be conducted in united kingdom votes | 1.00 |
be conducted in kingdom votes | 0.96 |
be conducted through ballot | 0.81 |
be conducted through secret ballot | 0.80 |
be based on votes | 0.79 |
is conducted | 0.78 |
work in united states | 0.78 |
be based on electoral votes | 0.77 |
give votes to candidates | 0.77 |
be distributed in united nations general assembly | 0.77 |
Cues |
Evidence |