Parents |
fire extinguisher Weight: 0.81 ,
explosionWeight: 0.62 ,
violenceWeight: 0.62 ,
causeWeight: 0.61
Siblings |
fire department Weight: 0.85 ,
fire alarmWeight: 0.84 ,
smoke alarmWeight: 0.73 ,
sprinklerWeight: 0.60 ,
lightningWeight: 0.58
Property | Similarity |
destroy thing | 1.00 |
destroy all thing | 0.98 |
destroy many thing | 0.97 |
destroy | 0.95 |
destroy home | 0.91 |
destroy object | 0.90 |
kill live thing | 0.84 |
be very destructive and can kill person | 0.82 |
kill person | 0.78 |
damage thing | 0.78 |
Cues |
Evidence |