Parents |
graphic Weight: 0.57 ,
designWeight: 0.47 ,
topicWeight: 0.44 ,
departmentWeight: 0.39 ,
toolWeight: 0.38
Siblings |
screen Weight: 0.31 ,
animationWeight: 0.31 ,
interfaceWeight: 0.31 ,
design patternWeight: 0.30 ,
colorWeight: 0.30
Property | Similarity |
is card | 1.00 |
cards | 0.93 |
have cards | 0.91 |
have 2017 cards | 0.91 |
have important cards | 0.89 |
have now cards | 0.88 |
have used cards | 0.88 |
have big cards | 0.87 |
have expensive cards | 0.86 |
have expensive 2017 cards | 0.86 |
Cues |
Evidence |