Parents |
animal Weight: 0.72 ,
mammalWeight: 0.69 ,
creatureWeight: 0.66 ,
wild animalWeight: 0.57 ,
petWeight: 0.54
Siblings |
rabbit Weight: 0.37 ,
lizardWeight: 0.37 ,
kangaroo ratWeight: 0.37 ,
cassowaryWeight: 0.37
Property | Similarity |
communicate with other animals | 1.00 |
communicate with animals | 0.98 |
is animals | 0.81 |
make pets | 0.79 |
make good pets | 0.78 |
live longer as pets | 0.77 |
be as pets | 0.77 |
has state pets | 0.76 |
is good pets | 0.76 |
is endangered animals | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |