Parents |
challenge Weight: 0.69 ,
factorWeight: 0.66 ,
traitWeight: 0.64 ,
elementWeight: 0.64 ,
reasonWeight: 0.64
Siblings |
fear Weight: 0.66 ,
motiveWeight: 0.35 ,
desireWeight: 0.35 ,
passionWeight: 0.34 ,
attitudeWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
affect sport performance | 1.00 |
affect performance | 0.90 |
affect athletes performance | 0.89 |
affect sports performances | 0.87 |
be important in sport | 0.85 |
affect sports training | 0.78 |
be critical for performance excellence | 0.76 |
affect college success | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |