Parents |
celestial object Weight: 0.73 ,
objectWeight: 0.63 ,
worldWeight: 0.61 ,
cometWeight: 0.58
Siblings |
planet earth Weight: 0.83 ,
earthWeight: 0.68 ,
asteroid beltWeight: 0.68 ,
jupiterWeight: 0.65 ,
saturnWeight: 0.65
Property | Similarity |
be used to orbit star | 1.00 |
be at orbit | 0.94 |
be at in orbit | 0.94 |
has set orbit | 0.92 |
be used to orbit around sun | 0.89 |
be hold in orbit by gravity | 0.87 |
be defined as 3rd planet orbit star we call sun | 0.87 |
has 17 moon | 0.78 |
has moon | 0.78 |
has one moon | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |