Parents |
man Weight: 0.79 ,
policeWeight: 0.67 ,
personWeight: 0.64 ,
witnessWeight: 0.63
Siblings |
police officer Weight: 0.39 ,
old manWeight: 0.38 ,
young manWeight: 0.38
Property | Similarity |
wear hats | 1.00 |
wear different hats | 0.98 |
have hats | 0.96 |
have tall hats | 0.87 |
wear uniforms | 0.87 |
wear helmets | 0.86 |
wear masks | 0.85 |
wear blue | 0.84 |
wear black | 0.84 |
wear belts | 0.82 |
Cues |
Evidence |