Parents |
object Weight: 0.63 ,
missileWeight: 0.60 ,
thingWeight: 0.53 ,
materialWeight: 0.47 ,
itemWeight: 0.45
Siblings |
bullet Weight: 0.72 ,
rocketWeight: 0.68 ,
spearWeight: 0.63 ,
slingshotWeight: 0.62 ,
fireballWeight: 0.59
Property | Similarity |
follow parabolic pathway | 1.00 |
follow parabolic path | 0.96 |
be parabolic path | 0.94 |
travel in parabolic path | 0.92 |
follow parabolic trajectory | 0.90 |
be parabolic motion | 0.86 |
follow pathway | 0.85 |
follow parabola | 0.83 |
follow curved path | 0.83 |
path of is parabola | 0.82 |
Cues |
Evidence |