Parents |
thing Weight: 0.61 ,
wordWeight: 0.60 ,
jokeWeight: 0.50 ,
formWeight: 0.48
Siblings |
f word Weight: 0.35 ,
clicheWeight: 0.33 ,
shitWeight: 0.33 ,
lyricWeight: 0.33 ,
fartWeight: 0.33
Property | Similarity |
be considered jokes | 1.00 |
be considered bad jokes | 0.97 |
jokes | 0.95 |
has quality jokes | 0.91 |
be allowed on r jokes | 0.87 |
be considered form of humor | 0.82 |
be considered poor form of humor | 0.81 |
be called puns | 0.79 |
is funny | 0.78 |
be considered stupid | 0.77 |
Cues |
Evidence |