Parents |
character Weight: 0.51 ,
wordWeight: 0.50 ,
groupWeight: 0.49 ,
racistWeight: 0.47 ,
poor peopleWeight: 0.44
Siblings |
nigger Weight: 0.32 ,
bigotWeight: 0.32 ,
cowboyWeight: 0.32 ,
moronWeight: 0.31 ,
cuntWeight: 0.31
Property | Similarity |
do things | 1.00 |
have do | 0.90 |
be afraid of everything | 0.83 |
is stupid ones again | 0.82 |
is stupid ones | 0.80 |
is ones again | 0.78 |
hate people | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |