Parents |
escort service Weight: 0.87 ,
postal serviceWeight: 0.82 ,
honorWeight: 0.62 ,
deliveryWeight: 0.58
Siblings |
service station Weight: 0.85 ,
internet service providerWeight: 0.83 ,
bar serviceWeight: 0.72 ,
public transportWeight: 0.71 ,
health insuranceWeight: 0.68
Property | Similarity |
be more variable than goods | 1.00 |
differ from goods marketing | 0.80 |
be more expensive for less | 0.78 |
be more expensive for less now | 0.77 |
be more expensive in areas | 0.77 |
be better than cars | 0.76 |
be cheaper than huawei | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |