Parents |
performer Weight: 0.68 ,
writerWeight: 0.65 ,
musicianWeight: 0.65 ,
starWeight: 0.64
Siblings |
bob dylan Weight: 0.65 ,
pianistWeight: 0.64 ,
sarah vaughanWeight: 0.61 ,
rapperWeight: 0.59 ,
ethel watersWeight: 0.59
Property | Similarity |
have earpieces on stage | 1.00 |
have earpieces | 0.96 |
take out earpieces | 0.95 |
need earpieces | 0.95 |
wear earpieces | 0.94 |
pull out earpieces | 0.92 |
remove earpieces | 0.91 |
wear earpieces performing | 0.91 |
wear earpieces during concerts | 0.90 |
wear earpieces yahoo | 0.90 |
Cues |
Evidence |