time zone: go up in hours

from Quasimodo
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Plausible Typical Remarkable Salient

Related concepts

Parents advantage
Weight: 0.64
, option
Weight: 0.63
, time
Weight: 0.63
, issue
Weight: 0.62
Siblings midnight
Weight: 0.57
, free time
Weight: 0.35
, time out
Weight: 0.34
, time machine
Weight: 0.34
, period
Weight: 0.34

Related properties

Property Similarity
go up in hours 1.00
is hours 0.90
change by hours 0.86
is exactly hours 0.84
is hours apart 0.84
be on hour 0.84
is 30 minutes off 0.83
is perfect hours 0.82
be on half hour 0.82
be separated by hours 0.82

Priors about this statement


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Joint Necessity Sufficiency Implication Entailment Contradiction Entropy


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Plausible Typical Remarkable Salient


Salient implies Plausible

Rule weight: 0.28
Evidence weight: 0.76
Similarity weight: 1.00
Evidence: 0.71
Plausible(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.84
¬ Salient(time zone, go up in hours)

Similarity expansion

Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.98
Similarity weight: 0.90
Evidence: 0.69
Typical(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.07
¬ Typical(time zone, is hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.92
Similarity weight: 0.90
Evidence: 0.71
Plausible(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.27
¬ Plausible(time zone, is hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.92
Similarity weight: 0.90
Evidence: 0.84
Salient(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.50
¬ Salient(time zone, is hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.96
Similarity weight: 0.84
Evidence: 0.84
Salient(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.28
¬ Salient(time zone, is hours apart)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.94
Similarity weight: 0.84
Evidence: 0.76
Remarkable(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.25
¬ Remarkable(time zone, is hours apart)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.91
Similarity weight: 0.84
Evidence: 0.84
Salient(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.56
¬ Salient(time zone, be on hour)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.89
Similarity weight: 0.86
Evidence: 0.84
Salient(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.71
¬ Salient(time zone, change by hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.91
Similarity weight: 0.84
Evidence: 0.84
Salient(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.59
¬ Salient(time zone, is exactly hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.89
Similarity weight: 0.84
Evidence: 0.71
Plausible(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.38
¬ Plausible(time zone, is hours apart)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.89
Similarity weight: 0.84
Evidence: 0.69
Typical(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.36
¬ Typical(time zone, be on hour)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.91
Similarity weight: 0.82
Evidence: 0.84
Salient(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.56
¬ Salient(time zone, be on half hour)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.90
Similarity weight: 0.82
Evidence: 0.84
Salient(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.60
¬ Salient(time zone, be separated by hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.87
Similarity weight: 0.84
Evidence: 0.71
Plausible(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.44
¬ Plausible(time zone, be on hour)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.85
Similarity weight: 0.86
Evidence: 0.76
Remarkable(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.62
¬ Remarkable(time zone, change by hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.88
Similarity weight: 0.83
Evidence: 0.76
Remarkable(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.50
¬ Remarkable(time zone, is 30 minutes off)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.87
Similarity weight: 0.84
Evidence: 0.69
Typical(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.43
¬ Typical(time zone, is exactly hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.89
Similarity weight: 0.82
Evidence: 0.69
Typical(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.37
¬ Typical(time zone, be on half hour)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.86
Similarity weight: 0.84
Evidence: 0.71
Plausible(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.48
¬ Plausible(time zone, is exactly hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.88
Similarity weight: 0.82
Evidence: 0.76
Remarkable(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.48
¬ Remarkable(time zone, be separated by hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.87
Similarity weight: 0.83
Evidence: 0.84
Salient(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.80
¬ Salient(time zone, is 30 minutes off)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.87
Similarity weight: 0.82
Evidence: 0.84
Salient(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.78
¬ Salient(time zone, is perfect hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.87
Similarity weight: 0.82
Evidence: 0.71
Plausible(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.44
¬ Plausible(time zone, be on half hour)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.81
Similarity weight: 0.86
Evidence: 0.71
Plausible(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.64
¬ Plausible(time zone, change by hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.78
Similarity weight: 0.90
Evidence: 0.76
Remarkable(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.93
¬ Remarkable(time zone, is hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.83
Similarity weight: 0.84
Evidence: 0.69
Typical(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.57
¬ Typical(time zone, is hours apart)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.82
Similarity weight: 0.84
Evidence: 0.76
Remarkable(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.74
¬ Remarkable(time zone, is exactly hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.84
Similarity weight: 0.82
Evidence: 0.69
Typical(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.53
¬ Typical(time zone, is perfect hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.81
Similarity weight: 0.84
Evidence: 0.76
Remarkable(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.77
¬ Remarkable(time zone, be on hour)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.79
Similarity weight: 0.86
Evidence: 0.69
Typical(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.67
¬ Typical(time zone, change by hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.83
Similarity weight: 0.82
Evidence: 0.71
Plausible(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.60
¬ Plausible(time zone, be separated by hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.82
Similarity weight: 0.82
Evidence: 0.71
Plausible(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.61
¬ Plausible(time zone, is perfect hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.81
Similarity weight: 0.82
Evidence: 0.76
Remarkable(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.77
¬ Remarkable(time zone, be on half hour)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.80
Similarity weight: 0.82
Evidence: 0.76
Remarkable(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.82
¬ Remarkable(time zone, is perfect hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.79
Similarity weight: 0.82
Evidence: 0.69
Typical(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.68
¬ Typical(time zone, be separated by hours)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.77
Similarity weight: 0.83
Evidence: 0.71
Plausible(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.78
¬ Plausible(time zone, is 30 minutes off)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.74
Similarity weight: 0.83
Evidence: 0.69
Typical(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.85
¬ Typical(time zone, is 30 minutes off)

Typical and Remarkable implies Salient

Rule weight: 0.14
Evidence weight: 0.92
Similarity weight: 1.00
Evidence: 0.84
Salient(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.69
¬ Typical(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.76
¬ Remarkable(time zone, go up in hours)

Typical implies Plausible

Rule weight: 0.48
Evidence weight: 0.80
Similarity weight: 1.00
Evidence: 0.71
Plausible(time zone, go up in hours)
Evidence: 0.69
¬ Typical(time zone, go up in hours)