Parents |
place Weight: 0.61 ,
areaWeight: 0.57 ,
eventWeight: 0.56 ,
canadaWeight: 0.56 ,
cityWeight: 0.56
Siblings |
ottawa Weight: 0.66 ,
ontarioWeight: 0.56 ,
montrealWeight: 0.36 ,
quebec cityWeight: 0.35 ,
springfieldWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
is pronounced toronto | 1.00 |
is toronto | 0.93 |
be called toronto | 0.93 |
be called toronto good | 0.91 |
be named toronto | 0.90 |
was named toronto | 0.89 |
be better than montreal | 0.79 |
be better than vancouver | 0.78 |
be canadian team in mlb | 0.78 |
be important to ontario | 0.77 |
Cues |
Evidence |