Parents |
dish Weight: 0.63 ,
itemWeight: 0.62 ,
thingWeight: 0.57 ,
breadWeight: 0.56 ,
productWeight: 0.54
Siblings |
spaghetti sauce Weight: 0.36 ,
sausageWeight: 0.36 ,
chocolate cakeWeight: 0.36 ,
custardWeight: 0.35 ,
potato saladWeight: 0.35
Property | Similarity |
be much better than pancakes | 1.00 |
be better than pancakes | 0.99 |
be much more expensive than pancakes | 0.97 |
be more expensive than pancakes | 0.96 |
cost more than pancakes | 0.94 |
be healthier than pancakes | 0.94 |
taste different than pancakes | 0.93 |
be called waffles | 0.79 |
Cues |
Evidence |