Property | Similarity |
be better than younger people at estimating | 1.00 |
be better than younger people | 0.90 |
be better than people | 0.86 |
be happier than younger people | 0.85 |
be more serious than younger | 0.85 |
be richer than younger people | 0.84 |
need fewer calories than younger people | 0.83 |
vote more then younger people | 0.82 |
vote more younger people | 0.82 |
vote then younger people | 0.79 |
Click on a property for more details on the statement. Click on a column header to use it as a sorting key.
Subject | Score | Plausible | Typical | Remarkable | Salient | Source |
older people | 0.66 0.6592207354 |
0.92 0.9166684541 |
0.94 0.9427988217 |
0.69 0.6934369325 |
0.98 0.9776250125 |
Quasimodo |