Property | Similarity |
be cheap compared to cooking at home | 1.00 |
be cheap compared to cooking | 0.97 |
be better than home cooked | 0.83 |
be cheaper than healthy food | 0.81 |
is cheap | 0.80 |
be cheaper than food | 0.80 |
be cheaper than vegetables | 0.78 |
be better than home | 0.77 |
is inexpensive | 0.76 |
is cheaper | 0.75 |
Click on a property for more details on the statement. Click on a column header to use it as a sorting key.
Subject | Score | Plausible | Typical | Remarkable | Salient | Source |
fast food | 0.47 0.4655461542 |
0.64 0.6410314158 |
0.83 0.8270916449 |
0.32 0.3220296570 |
0.55 0.5490308581 |
Quasimodo |