Property | Similarity |
is less likely | 1.00 |
is more likely | 0.98 |
tend drive slower than other people | 0.81 |
be more serious than younger | 0.81 |
be better than younger people at estimating | 0.78 |
be better than younger people | 0.78 |
need fewer calories than younger people | 0.77 |
be richer than younger people | 0.77 |
be better than people | 0.77 |
be happier than younger people | 0.77 |
Click on a property for more details on the statement. Click on a column header to use it as a sorting key.
Subject | Score | Plausible | Typical | Remarkable | Salient | Source |
black cat | 0.55 0.5529864237 |
0.87 0.8679932936 |
0.92 0.9205900648 |
0.56 0.5612693578 |
0.91 0.9133420560 |
Quasimodo |
elderly person | 0.59 0.5930274828 |
0.32 0.3181634565 |
0.11 0.1053544107 |
0.93 0.9334791872 |
0.60 0.6042694436 |
Quasimodo |
female | 0.73 0.7334081826 |
0.88 0.8819995567 |
0.88 0.8817922154 |
0.82 0.8178292080 |
0.96 0.9617151416 |
Quasimodo |
franchise | 0.55 0.5539118558 |
0.49 0.4917403086 |
0.56 0.5601271932 |
0.50 0.5021735089 |
0.50 0.5007149700 |
Quasimodo |
married person | 0.40 0.3965889051 |
0.47 0.4651040996 |
0.01 0.0134610985 |
0.98 0.9803651352 |
0.67 0.6677891696 |
Quasimodo |
older people | 0.59 0.5935116913 |
0.45 0.4460054624 |
0.27 0.2658705475 |
0.91 0.9142768793 |
0.72 0.7208381594 |
Quasimodo |
tick | 0.65 0.6547292588 |
0.69 0.6891864356 |
0.69 0.6946791929 |
0.72 0.7233155306 |
0.79 0.7933432714 |
Quasimodo |