Parents |
game Weight: 0.62 ,
sportWeight: 0.62 ,
activityWeight: 0.57 ,
volleyballWeight: 0.54
Siblings |
softball game Weight: 0.38 ,
baseball gameWeight: 0.37 ,
baseball teamWeight: 0.37 ,
hockey gameWeight: 0.37 ,
soccer ballWeight: 0.37
Click on a property for more details on the statement. Click on a column header to use it as a sorting key.
Property | Score | Plausible | Typical | Remarkable | Salient | Source |
be better sport than soccer | 0.83 0.8285872560 |
0.09 0.0876463901 |
0.28 0.2796462328 |
0.16 0.1593989962 |
0.11 0.1147223056 |
Quasimodo |
be better than baseball | 0.91 0.9060286229 |
0.50 0.5006649221 |
0.51 0.5122563740 |
0.65 0.6489800952 |
0.57 0.5731378605 |
Quasimodo |
be bigger than baseball | 0.91 0.9070190738 |
0.42 0.4150633463 |
0.49 0.4870661919 |
0.48 0.4772442910 |
0.39 0.3940986373 |
Quasimodo |
be bigger than baseballs | 0.83 0.8259207105 |
0.54 0.5391052865 |
0.44 0.4441090043 |
0.81 0.8097929447 |
0.71 0.7061151388 |
Quasimodo |
be called soft | 0.79 0.7928021346 |
0.97 0.9651827463 |
0.74 0.7421818026 |
0.49 0.4852555303 |
0.76 0.7561237184 |
Quasimodo |
be called softball | 0.83 0.8338159085 |
0.30 0.2953076516 |
0.08 0.0786234682 |
0.95 0.9484345731 |
0.59 0.5911175697 |
Quasimodo |
be called softballs | 0.83 0.8253205660 |
0.74 0.7378472967 |
0.23 0.2312713597 |
0.67 0.6702987145 |
0.41 0.4139122446 |
Quasimodo |
be confused with volleyball | 0.66 0.6592630832 |
0.06 0.0638146512 |
0.30 0.2990648192 |
0.08 0.0758851329 |
0.07 0.0671803726 |
Quasimodo |
be considered lifetime sport | 0.62 0.6192891948 |
0.61 0.6101911830 |
0.56 0.5595945405 |
0.78 0.7804577238 |
0.76 0.7649267871 |
Quasimodo |
be different from baseball | 0.97 0.9653369525 |
0.44 0.4355114896 |
0.50 0.5006273862 |
0.50 0.4968577067 |
0.42 0.4205275049 |
Quasimodo |
be different than baseball | 0.91 0.9069750459 |
0.47 0.4730188180 |
0.41 0.4123643344 |
0.77 0.7704123947 |
0.61 0.6144845781 |
Quasimodo |
be discontinued in olympics | 0.66 0.6584933854 |
0.95 0.9465559893 |
0.81 0.8105097021 |
0.24 0.2432900061 |
0.49 0.4932310211 |
Quasimodo |
be easier than baseball | 0.91 0.9058412228 |
0.56 0.5591333848 |
0.52 0.5166462900 |
0.77 0.7667535355 |
0.71 0.7083100968 |
Quasimodo |
be for girls | 0.82 0.8201646254 |
0.87 0.8690174882 |
0.88 0.8837333591 |
0.70 0.6953459025 |
0.94 0.9438194415 |
Quasimodo |
be for just kicks | 0.62 0.6197343295 |
0.97 0.9682446056 |
0.79 0.7935524002 |
0.41 0.4123822087 |
0.74 0.7359258147 |
Quasimodo |
be good game play | 0.92 0.9190400448 |
0.91 0.9133241817 |
0.94 0.9439695852 |
0.67 0.6650454721 |
0.97 0.9727256803 |
Quasimodo |
be harder than baseball | 0.91 0.9085272658 |
0.53 0.5339664393 |
0.47 0.4658583930 |
0.81 0.8095820285 |
0.72 0.7206558420 |
Quasimodo |
be important to society | 0.66 0.6592847079 |
0.90 0.8966421432 |
0.92 0.9210369211 |
0.68 0.6770212203 |
0.96 0.9614970758 |
Quasimodo |
be in 2008 olympics scored | 0.66 0.6584496435 |
0.91 0.9137442266 |
0.97 0.9698175396 |
0.45 0.4457570103 |
0.92 0.9231192713 |
Quasimodo |
be in olympics | 0.62 0.6214508552 |
0.83 0.8280800909 |
0.81 0.8060250526 |
0.75 0.7460122546 |
0.92 0.9229458911 |
Quasimodo |
be infield dirt | 0.63 0.6256252126 |
0.45 0.4547727825 |
0.37 0.3657196888 |
0.06 0.0637610284 |
0.10 0.0980420545 |
Quasimodo |
be made | 0.66 0.6596256819 |
0.55 0.5528595227 |
0.48 0.4803383238 |
0.81 0.8087115525 |
0.73 0.7335985872 |
Quasimodo |
be mind game | 0.66 0.6586657613 |
0.41 0.4083122417 |
0.58 0.5766340640 |
0.31 0.3132373129 |
0.32 0.3217651180 |
Quasimodo |
be played | 0.66 0.6629746233 |
0.40 0.3955625384 |
0.23 0.2326780633 |
0.88 0.8761922125 |
0.62 0.6218434073 |
Quasimodo |
be played differently | 0.66 0.6562807375 |
0.78 0.7757496461 |
0.82 0.8191501151 |
0.63 0.6265765089 |
0.85 0.8468426923 |
Quasimodo |
be played on dirt infield | 0.62 0.6189793662 |
0.12 0.1191122217 |
0.39 0.3927348319 |
0.12 0.1150923026 |
0.12 0.1160950481 |
Quasimodo |
be played with ball | 0.82 0.8186562710 |
0.40 0.4013251970 |
0.21 0.2094075758 |
0.91 0.9059921639 |
0.66 0.6604946878 |
Quasimodo |
be played with bigger ball | 0.62 0.6192867142 |
0.58 0.5768467676 |
0.52 0.5191576223 |
0.80 0.7953791486 |
0.75 0.7485664851 |
Quasimodo |
be related | 0.66 0.6568528134 |
0.85 0.8467282971 |
0.84 0.8401398481 |
0.74 0.7403425421 |
0.94 0.9399246422 |
Quasimodo |
be related to geometry | 0.66 0.6592630832 |
0.30 0.3028380736 |
0.20 0.2045797406 |
0.75 0.7490115539 |
0.39 0.3879624069 |
Quasimodo |
be related to science | 0.66 0.6592630832 |
0.72 0.7162283900 |
0.78 0.7839485651 |
0.55 0.5500228790 |
0.76 0.7602419459 |
Quasimodo |
be same | 0.66 0.6554225288 |
0.68 0.6823191483 |
0.66 0.6623679093 |
0.74 0.7424570660 |
0.81 0.8085345974 |
Quasimodo |
be thrown underhand | 0.62 0.6232259670 |
0.92 0.9195122474 |
0.67 0.6678499421 |
0.34 0.3416091116 |
0.51 0.5068029400 |
Quasimodo |
being is dropped as olympic sport | 0.66 0.6587166742 |
0.72 0.7176797792 |
0.72 0.7217193600 |
0.69 0.6933046630 |
0.81 0.8131979895 |
Quasimodo |
betaken out of olympics | 0.66 0.6571244764 |
0.74 0.7432328085 |
0.85 0.8502995724 |
0.40 0.4046104843 |
0.70 0.7029496089 |
Quasimodo |
differ from batter | 0.82 0.8180293370 |
0.58 0.5819498663 |
0.19 0.1911847769 |
0.39 0.3895281913 |
0.25 0.2487791887 |
Quasimodo |
exist | 0.63 0.6285770997 |
0.26 0.2561290807 |
0.07 0.0695469235 |
0.94 0.9357134686 |
0.52 0.5248541461 |
Quasimodo |
first base pads | 0.66 0.6592883932 |
0.99 0.9915240301 |
0.93 0.9312949537 |
0.48 0.4841955872 |
0.94 0.9399282170 |
Quasimodo |
has color green | 0.87 0.8723382321 |
0.86 0.8557011711 |
0.89 0.8909420445 |
0.66 0.6605894213 |
0.93 0.9306014328 |
Quasimodo |
has color yellow | 0.84 0.8420516960 |
0.89 0.8891760685 |
0.93 0.9301295526 |
0.63 0.6275667425 |
0.95 0.9492675132 |
Quasimodo |
has color yellows | 0.53 0.5280974555 |
0.83 0.8322215549 |
0.89 0.8925024666 |
0.57 0.5704066750 |
0.88 0.8848290507 |
Quasimodo |
has physical part ball | 0.82 0.8197688433 |
0.43 0.4268085167 |
0.24 0.2430969642 |
0.91 0.9073291579 |
0.69 0.6939070253 |
Quasimodo |
has physical part zone | 0.56 0.5553724902 |
0.58 0.5759512676 |
0.48 0.4838863627 |
0.84 0.8356802225 |
0.78 0.7768471251 |
Quasimodo |
has quality good | 0.56 0.5587856237 |
0.91 0.9094347447 |
0.93 0.9285369568 |
0.72 0.7222984857 |
0.98 0.9796340783 |
Quasimodo |
has trait fun | 0.87 0.8656178152 |
0.90 0.8980542090 |
0.91 0.9130489183 |
0.72 0.7245059557 |
0.97 0.9729526833 |
Quasimodo |
have 4 outfielders | 0.63 0.6334714772 |
0.99 0.9942873894 |
0.95 0.9508029114 |
0.51 0.5138614817 |
0.97 0.9688845037 |
Quasimodo |
have bigger ball | 0.62 0.6218841335 |
0.68 0.6777451275 |
0.62 0.6222330659 |
0.80 0.8009308910 |
0.84 0.8421095906 |
Quasimodo |
have dirt infield | 0.62 0.6242623882 |
0.15 0.1485779246 |
0.37 0.3696806229 |
0.18 0.1844962321 |
0.16 0.1562441909 |
Quasimodo |
have green neon | 0.62 0.6194070914 |
0.88 0.8810718831 |
0.94 0.9445898217 |
0.51 0.5073963651 |
0.91 0.9128719632 |
Quasimodo |
have two first bases | 0.62 0.6209990638 |
0.99 0.9945876768 |
0.97 0.9701875366 |
0.40 0.4033771610 |
0.95 0.9487938455 |
Quasimodo |