Parents |
hardware Weight: 0.69 ,
deviceWeight: 0.66 ,
platformWeight: 0.65 ,
interfaceWeight: 0.56
Siblings |
nintendo Weight: 0.63 ,
xboxWeight: 0.62 ,
tablet computerWeight: 0.36 ,
computer keyboardWeight: 0.36 ,
joystickWeight: 0.36
Property | Similarity |
is expensive | 1.00 |
is one expensive | 0.95 |
is more expensive | 0.94 |
be more expensive than ps4 | 0.88 |
is cheaper | 0.85 |
be cheaper than ps4 | 0.84 |
is one expensive in europe | 0.80 |
is one cheap | 0.80 |
be more expensive in europe | 0.79 |
is cheap | 0.79 |
Cues |
Evidence |